SelfPassage is an exploration to tune the powers of fashion towards positive personal and social conditions for the Everyperson to grow to their full potential in an energetic sense of aliveness.

Fashion must be more than clothes or commodities; it must be nothing less than vehicles for vitality and viriditas. Fashion must nourish life and aliveness, or it fails its potential.

For over two decades, SelfPassage has been an archive of explorations on how fashion can be used for empowerment, self-development, and personal as well as collective growth. It has been a site challenging fashion as a phenomenon of decrees and coercive anxiety, to instead see fashion as a means for inner exploration and collective action.

Now, the procession moves on. Pushed to the limits, after over two decades, the archive of Otto von Busch’s artistic research in fashion has reached sabbath; a need for rest and reflection. It has been a pleasure to share the many journeys across the years.

From now on, we must seek the secrets of style in the dark night within. Fashion takes place where illumination meets the underworld, in dreams and vast imaginal realms; to see ourselves now as we never have seen.